Health Savings Accounts (HSA)
Establish a Stillman Health Savings Account (HSA) and take control of your healthcare dollars!
The Stillman Health Savings Account (HSA) is a special account held by an individual to pay for current and future medical expenses. To be eligible, the account holder must be enrolled in a qualified high deductive health plan (HDHP)
The Stillman HSA operates like a checking account and you will receive or have access to:
- Monthly Statements
- Online Statements
- Check Card
- Stillman Web Pay
- Basic Checks
- Free Check Images / Image Statements
- Free Set-up
- TeleBank
Savings — You can save the money in your account for future medical expenses and build it year to year. There is no “Use it or lose it” with a Stillman HSA. Plus, the account is interest-bearing.
Flexibility — You can use your Stillman HSA funds to pay for qualified medical expenses. That includes co-payments at the doctor’s office.
Ownership — The Stillman HSA is yours, not your employer’s. You control the account. If you switch jobs—no problem, your HSA remains with you.
Tax-Free — Contributions to the account may be tax-deductible. Earnings on the account as well as withdrawals for qualified medical expenses are tax-free.
Control — You decide how much you want to put into your Stillman HSA. You also control which medical expenses to pay from the account and much more.
Contact a Retail Banker today to take control of your health care dollars.
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