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Stillman Online FAQ for Consumers

Stillman Online Features

Can I download my bank account information into my financial software package?

Yes. Most software packages allow you to download account information from Stillman Online. Once enrolled with Stillman Online, click on the “Help” function to obtain step-by-step directions for downloading. However, please be aware that each software package is different, depending on the version and format chosen for download. If you require additional software support, we strongly encourage you to contact your software manufacturer.

When viewing my current transactions, why do I sometimes see electronic transactions and Stillman Online account transfers duplicated?

Electronic transactions and Stillman Online transfers
Because Stillman Online gives you up-to-the-minute account information, you may see the electronic transactions, which include Stillman Online transfers, twice during our “end-of-day processing.” End-of-day processing is required for your transactions to be updated. This process begins each banking evening and lasts for several hours. The duplicate transaction will disappear at the end of the processing day.

Debit Card transactions
Some companies pre-authorize funds when processing debit card transactions. A pre-authorization is a temporary hold (or block) against funds, which allows the company to delay finalizing the transaction and make adjustments to the transaction if needed.

Keep in mind, however, a company does not receive your funds until its processing is complete—a pre-authorization places a hold on your funds, but they have not actually left your account. Therefore, when you are viewing your account online, although it may appear that a pre-authorization is affecting your balance, typically all of your checks will still be paid and no fees will be accessed to your account. If, however, when the debit card transaction is finalized and the funds are subtracted from your account, your account then has a negative balance, fees will be accessed and checks may be returned.

Why do some companies pre-authorize debit card transactions?
Gas stations may pre-authorize your card when paying at the pump to make sure your card is valid. Because they do not know what your total purchase will be, they typically do a pre-authorization of $1.00. When the gas station completes its processing, the actual total will be deducted from your account.

Restaurants also often use pre-authorizations, which allow you to leave tips using your debit card. Restaurants will often take your card and pre-authorize it for the price of your total bill (or more). Then, when you sign the receipt, you have the option of adding a tip. When the restaurant is completing their processing, they will edit the amount to include your tip.

For more information, see the article on Credit and Debit Card Blocking under Consumer News.

What happens if I don’t log off the system?

Stillman Online has a 10-minute time-out feature. If you are logged in for 10 consecutive minutes without using Stillman Online, you will have to log in again to resume banking.

System Requirements

Do I need any special software for Stillman Online?

No! The only thing you need is Internet access with a browser that supports 128-bit encryption.

Must I have “Cookies” enabled to use Online Banking?

Yes, your browser must accept “Cookies” to utilize this service. Each browser version handles Cookies uniquely. Please check with your browser software manufacturer to determine how to verify that your settings will accept Cookies.

Getting Started (How to Sign Up)

Stillman Online

Online Banking

In order to begin banking on Stillman Online, you must have a Stillman Online User ID and Password. To receive these, click here to get to the Online Banking Log-In screen, then click on “Enroll Now” (located near the upper right corner of the screen). To continue the enrollment process, please proceed with the following steps:

  • Enter the following information
    • Social Security Number (EIN and ITIN are also accepted)
    • An active account number
    • E-mail address
    • Phone number
  • You will receive an e-mail verification containing a link. You must click on the link within 5 minutes or it will expire.
  • You will be asked to choose your two-factor authentication (2FA) method. Once a method has been chosen, you will be required to complete the verification process.
  • Review and agree to the User Agreement.

After agreeing to the User Agreement, you will be asked to create your credentials (username and password) that will be used for all future logins.

Stillman Bill Pay

Bill Payment

To enroll, go to Stillman Bill Pay and follow the link to enroll. Complete the online enrollment form and you can begin paying bills instantly. Remember, access to Stillman Bill Pay can only be granted to Stillman Bank accounts and account holders.

ID and PIN

Can I change my Stillman Online ID?

Yes. You can create a new Stillman Online ID to replace the 12-digit one that you were assigned. Your ID is case-sensitive and must contain 6-25 alpha-numeric characters. The ID cannot begin with a number. To create a new Stillman Online ID, simply click on the “Options” section of the Stillman Online screen. Under “Modify Login Information”, you may enter a new Stillman Online ID.

Can I change my Stillman Online Password?

Yes. You can change your Stillman Online Password as often as you feel necessary and at any time. It requires that you change it every 360 days. Your password must contain 8-25 alpha-numeric characters. You may wish to change your password periodically for your security. Simply click on the “Options” section of the Stillman Online screen. Under “Modify Login Information”, you may enter a new password.

Can you send me my ID and Password through e-mail?

No, e-mail is not a secure means of communication with the bank. Because we want to protect the privacy of your account information, your Stillman Online ID is sent directly to your home address via U.S. mail.

What happens if I forget my Stillman Online Password?

We do not have access to your password once it has been changed. However, if you lose or forget your Stillman Online Password, please contact any of our six locations during our regular business hours.

Can I reset my own Stillman Online Password?

Yes, but this must be set up ahead of time. While logged in to your account, simply click on the “Options” section of the Stillman Online screen. Under “Modify Personal Settings “, you may enter a Password Reset Question and a Password Reset Answer. If you ever get locked out of your account, you will be able to reset your own password by clicking on the Reset Password option on the Stillman Online login screen. It will then ask you for your Stillman Online ID and email address on file, and we will send you an email containing your Password Reset Question. You will then have the opportunity to set up a new password. If you are unable to reset your password, please contact any of our six locations during our regular business hours.

What happens if I enter the wrong ID or PIN?

You are allowed 3 attempts to enter your password. If unsuccessful after the third attempt, you will be locked out of Stillman Online. Immediate access may be regained by contacting any of our six Stillman Bank locations during our regular business hours and we will reset your password.

About Stillman Bill Pay

How much does Bill Payment Cost?

This service is FREE for unlimited payments.

What do I need to know in order to get started?

Access to Stillman Bill Pay can only be granted to Stillman Bank checking account holders. To enroll, go to Stillman Bill Pay and follow the link to enroll. Complete the online enrollment form and you can begin paying bills instantly.

What do I do if I have questions regarding Stillman Bill Pay?

Most questions can be answered on the Stillman Bill Pay welcome page. Additional questions can be directed to Customer Care by calling 1-800-877-8021 between the hours of 6am to midnight (CST) seven days per week.


How can you guarantee the security of my banking information?

We have extremely stringent criteria to guarantee the security of your banking information online. Our Stillman Online site requires you to have 128-bit encryption, the highest level of Internet security available. If you are unsure about your browser encryption level please use the “Test Browser” feature on the Stillman Online log-in page to perform a check. A few other security features are listed below:

  • Your banking information never travels the Internet without encryption protection.
  • Log-in sessions have a time-out limit and after the limit is reached you are required to log-in again.
  • Password guessing is deterred and reported.

Internet security is not a one-time task. Our software vendors are constantly developing and implementing security enhancements to ensure the integrity of our Stillman Online system.

This online banking concept is new to me. How do I know my money is safe?

As a Stillman Online customer your money is safe, just like it is at any Stillman Bank location. We use several layers of technology to make sure your Internet transactions are secure and tamperproof.

  • Your Browser. To provide privacy for the data flowing between your computer and bank server, encryption is used. To tell if a session is encrypted, look at the key or lock icon on your browser. If it becomes solid or appears to be locked, then the session is encrypted. If the key icon appears to be broken or the lock unlocked, then encryption is not in use and the current session is not secure.
  • Firewalls. Stillman Online is also protected by a system of filtering routers and firewalls, which create a protective shield between the outside Internet and customer data.
  • Internal Procedures. To futher enforce security, stringent internal procedures control every aspect of bank administration, from training employees to confirming customer transactions to preventing service interruptions.
  • What You Can Do To Protect Yourself.
    As much as we can do on our end to keep your transactions and account information secure, we need your help. Your user ID and Password provide one of Stillman Online’s most important security features. Because you can select and change your password at any time, you play an important role in preventing unauthorized access to your Stillman Online accounts:

    • For your own protection, YOU SHOULD change your password at least every 90 days (automatically requires you to change it every 180 days).
    • KEEP your Log On Password confidential. Memorize it, and DO NOT write it down. (NOTE: Stillman Bank representatives will never ask you for your password.)
    • DON’T SELECT a password that can be easily guessed by anyone else. DO NOT use, for example, your birthday, your spouse’s name or your current ATM PIN.
    • MAKE SURE no one else is watching as you type in your password.
    • DO NOT leave your computer unattended with the browser running and valid USER ID and password entered.
    • ALWAYS log off the system by clicking on the exit tab to end your secure session so that others can’t access your accounts.
    • TELL US at once if you believe your password has been lost or stolen. Please review your Stillman Online Agreement and Disclosure Statement for details.

Other Security Hints:

  • Keep your web browser software up-to-date to take advantage of security enhancements.
  • Take precautions to keep your computer free from viruses that might be used to capture password keystrokes or send information from your hard drive.
  • DO NOT use coffee shop Internet hook-ups or rented computers. Computers can capture information from the Internet as part of the browser software’s operation, or because someone has loaded a program in it to secretly gather your information.
  • If you are away from home and get an unexpected screen asking you for your credit card, password, or account information, DO NOT disclose.
  • Practice “safe trash” with printouts of your account information. DO NOT throw them away where prying eyes can find them. It is always a good idea to shred printouts of your account information before discarding.

Why do I have to change my password when I first log on?

Security. By changing your password to one that only YOU know, you maximize the level of security to your accounts.

Contact Us

What do I do if I get an error message?

If you get an error message while using Stillman Online or Stillman Web Pay, please make a note of the message, the error number and time, and contact us. We will make every effort to resolve the issue as soon as possible.

Who do I call for help?

If you have any further questions or need assistance with Stillman Online, contact us toll-free at 1-877-523-5645. After hours, questions regarding Stillman Web Pay can be directed to Customer Care by calling 1-800-268-5652.

Is it important to keep Stillman Bank updated on my e-mail address changes?

Definitely. E-mail is an important method we use to keep you updated on news and other information relating to your online accounts. To inform us of an e-mail address change, log in to Stillman Online and click on the “Options” button and follow the instructions under the “Modify Personal Settings” tab.

How can we contact Stillman Bank?

You may visit any of our locations, or contact us through the postal service, e-mail, phone or fax.

Stillman Bank
101 East Main Street
Stillman Valley, IL 61084
[email protected]
Phone: 1-877-523-5645
Fax: 815-645-2341